Created in partnership with the Helpdesk on Business & Human Rights

Further Guidance

  • ILO, Excerpts from Reports and Comments of the ILO Supervisory Bodies: Applying the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169): Organized in a thematic and chronological manner, this document seeks to disseminate the comments and recommendations of the ILO supervisory bodies in the context of the application of ILO Convention No. 169.
  • ILO, Implementing the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention No. 169: Towards an Inclusive, Sustainable and Just Future: This report presents the social and economic situation of indigenous women and men by looking at key aspects such as population, employment and poverty, as well as the important strides made in public policies, particularly with regard to institutions, consultation and participation.
  • IWGIA and ILO, The Impact of COVID-19 on Indigenous Communities: Insights from the Indigenous Navigator: This report highlights the differentiated impact that COVID-19 has on indigenous peoples.
  • IWGIA and ILO, Indigenous peoples in a changing world of work: Exploring indigenous peoples’ economic and social rights through the Indigenous Navigator: This report explores the obstacles faced by indigenous peoples in performing their traditional occupations and accessing decent work opportunities, education, and social protection.
  • ILO, Exploring and Tackling Barriers to Indigenous Women’s Participation and Organization: This study aims to identify and analyze barriers to participation and organization faced by indigenous women at multiple levels.
  • ILO, Indigenous Peoples and a Just Transition for All: This policy brief presents the linkages between just transition and indigenous peoples, and provides key policy recommendations for implementing social dialogue to ensure a just transition for all.
  • IFAD, Policy on Engagement with Indigenous Peoples: 2022 Update: This policy provides an overview on the principles of engagement when working with indigenous peoples and the instruments, procedures and resources IFAD will use to implement these principles.
  • United Nations Global Compact, Practical Supplement: Business Reference Guide to the UNDRIP: This resource compiles a list of business practices to raise awareness of the corporate responsibility to respect indigenous peoples’ rights and the opportunity to support these rights.
  • United Nations Global Compact, Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and the Role of Free, Prior and Informed Consent: This note explores the business case for obtaining FPIC and the challenges that are likely to arise in the process. It outlines current company good practices to obtain FPIC and discusses emerging practices that not only support FPIC but also provide long-term benefits for affected indigenous communities.
  • United Nations, State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples: This report promotes awareness of indigenous peoples’ issues within the UN system, with States, academia and the broader public.
  • United Nations, Free, Prior and Informed Consent of Indigenous Peoples: This resource provides companies with an understanding of FPIC.
  • International Finance Corporation (IFC), Standard 7 — Indigenous Peoples: The IFC has developed a guidance note for its clients in aid of implementing IFC Performance Standard 7 on indigenous peoples’ rights. Companies can use this resource to ensure that business activities minimize negative impacts, foster respect for human rights, dignity and culture of indigenous populations, and promote development benefits in culturally appropriate ways.
  • IFC, Stakeholder Engagement: A Good Practice Handbook for Companies Doing Business in Emerging Markets: This guide provides useful advice on how companies can engage with stakeholders, including specific recommendations on how to consult with indigenous communities.
  • IFC, Investing in People: Sustaining Communities through Improved Business Practice: The IFC created this guide as a resource to help IFC clients and other companies establish effective community development programmes for communities located near or affected by their operations, including indigenous peoples.
  • SME Compass, Due Diligence Compass: This online tool offers guidance on the overall human rights due diligence process by taking businesses through five key due diligence phases.
  • SME Compass, Standards Compass: This online tool offers guidance on what to pay attention to when selecting sustainability standards or when participating in multi-stakeholder initiatives. It allows comparing standards and initiatives with respect to their contribution to human rights due diligence and their potential limitations.
  • SME Compass, Downloads: Practical guides and checklists are available for download on the SME compass website to embed due diligence processes, improve supply chain management and make mechanisms more effective.
  • ILO Helpdesk for Business, Country Information Hub: This resource can be used to inform human rights due diligence, providing specific country information on different labour rights.
If you have questions, feedback or you're looking for further help in protecting human rights, please contact us at