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Increasing Women in Leadership Positions as a Strategic Priority

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Grupo Financiero BBVA Mexico (a subsidiary of the multinational bank BBVA), with a 38,000+ workforce in Mexico, has achieved a female representation of 53% female to 47% male in the workforce overall, and 47% female representation in leadership positions. Gender equality is an issue the company considers a strategic priority for the entire business. By conducting a diagnosis of their workforce, BBVA made the decision to focus on diversity and inclusion (D&I) awareness and capability building. They defined goals and action plans for each business area and analyzed the talent pool to define KPIs to measure and follow up.

More than 19,500 employees received training on awareness programmes that equipped them with basic knowledge on diversity and inclusion. The company also created a protocol for sexual harassment and launched a domestic violence support telephone line. Other actions include developing telephone interview and job posting guides to ensure inclusivity, increasing maternity and paternity leave and focusing on women’s empowerment and visibility. In the next five years, BBVA is planning several initiatives proposed by its D&I council, including coaching programmes, mentoring, transversal career plans and conversations on women’s empowerment to promote female talent at all levels.

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