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Fuji Oil Holdings Inc

Establishing a Sustainable Procurement Commitment to Eliminate Child Labour in the Cocoa Supply Chain

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Fuji Oil Holdings Inc., a manufacturer of plant-based food ingredients with operations in 14 countries around the world, formulated and publicly announced in Fiscal Year 2020 the mid and long-term targets and KPIs for cocoa related to the elimination of child labour.

In August 2018, the company established a Responsible Cacao Sourcing Policy aimed at eliminating child labour from the company’s supply chain through monitoring and providing access to remedy. The policy contributed to the creation of an environment that promotes access to education for children, among other measures. Based on this sourcing policy, Fuji Oil Group set new KPIs in FY2020. The KPI in the area of child labour states: The company will eradicate the Worst Forms of Child Labour (WFCL) as defined by the International Labour Organization (ILO) by 2025 and eliminate child labour in the Fuji Oil Group’s supply chain of cocoa beans and products by 2030 (“Zero Child Labour”).

To reach these goals, specific actions have been identified as part of an internal roadmap that aims to implement a Child Labour Monitoring & Remediation System (CLMRS) in 100% of the Group’s direct supply chain for cocoa beans coming from high-risk countries in West Africa by 2025. The results for FY2020 confirmed that 60% of the supply chain is already covered by the CLMRS, and the company will continue to work to extend the CLMRS towards the entire cocoa supply chain. 

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