Created in partnership with the Helpdesk on Business & Human Rights
Committing to High Living Wage Standards in Supply Chain- Related Issues:
- Living Wage
- Due Diligence Stages:
- 1. Policy,
- 3. Taking Action
- Countries:
- Multiple countries,
- United Kingdom
- Business Sectors:
- Consumer Goods
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Unilever — a British multinational consumer goods company — has committed to living wage standards through several initiatives. Most notably, in 2021, Unilever announced it would ensure every worker directly involved in providing a Unilever good or service would earn a living wage by 2030. As current employees already earn a living wage, the initiative will predominantly focus its efforts on securing a living wage for vulnerable groups in the manufacturing and agricultural sectors involved with the business. Unilever will work with its suppliers, as well as Governments and NGOs, to influence the widespread adoption of improved living wage standards. The standards set across the Unilever living wage initiative have been determined following close collaboration with the Fair Wage Network, an internationally recognized expert group on living wage standards. Unilever is one of the first businesses in the consumer goods industry to make such a commitment towards living wage improvements.
Cellnex Telecom
Cellnex Telecom
Gender Inclusion in the Financial Industry
Related Issues:
Due Diligence Stages:
Business Sectors: