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East African Breweries

Advancing Gender Diversity by Establishing Inclusive Frameworks

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East African Breweries Ltd (EABL) has set a goal of driving diversity in the EABL Board, Senior Leadership and in the overall workforce. They expect to meet a target of achieving gender parity for entry level management and above by 2025. In the last five years, EABL has achieved a greater female representation throughout their workforce. They are currently at 36% female representation at the board level, an improvement from 18% in 2017. Women make up 36% of senior leadership at the end of the first half of 2021, as compared to 20% at the end of 2017.

Underlining these improvements is the establishment and implementation of their Inclusion & Diversity (I&D) Framework, which focuses on gender-inclusive policies that support women within their value chain. This includes doubling parental leave, making a deliberate effort at 50:50 hiring of both male and female for all roles, and setting similar targets for suppliers. They have also rolled out an all-female STEM apprentice programme to shift gender representation within their supply chain and launched a Spirited Women Network, which focuses on female employee mentorship and retention.

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