Created in partnership with the Helpdesk on Business & Human Rights

L'Oreal Group

Responsible Mica Initiative

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The Responsible Mica Initiative (RMI) is a global coalition of companies and organisations to establish fair, responsible and sustainable mica supply chains in Jharkhand and Bihar in India. It aims to eliminate working violations and eradicate child labour. In 2017, L’Oreal became a founding member of the RMI. As the world’s largest cosmetic company it widely uses mica, a naturally occurring mineral, to give its pigmented products, like powdered foundation, a shine and opacity. The RMI and its partners seeks to implement workplace standards, increase supply chain mapping, empower communities and develop legal frameworks. As of 2019, the RMI had reached 80 villages, provided support to nearly 6,000 households and enhanced living conditions for 30,000 children.

Collaboration across RMI to increase the transparency of the mica supply chains has meant that 99% of L’Oreal’s mica comes from verified sources. It partners with stakeholders, including mica buyers, to support the livelihoods of local Indian communities who rely on mica – such as improving working conditions, fostering their economic development and protecting children.

L’Oreal has worked with RMI to improve living wages as a root cause of many human rights issues in the workplace. In 2022, with the support of the Fair Wage Network, L’Oreal and RMI determined living wage levels for typical mica-dependent families in India. L’Oreal is currently working on their own operations and with strategic suppliers to ensure that by 2030 all employees are paid a living wage which covers their basic needs, and the needs of their dependents, in line with the recommendations of RMI around living wages for mica pickers.


The case studies do not make any assessment of whether the measures presented meet the requirements of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). The aim is rather to demonstrate the feasibility of human rights due diligence management and to offer companies suggestions for their own implementation.

The inclusion of company examples is intended strictly for learning purposes and does not constitute an endorsement of the individual companies. Unless otherwise indicated, the content is not intended to reflect the official positions, views or opinions of the United Nations or the German Government.

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