Created in partnership with the Helpdesk on Business & Human Rights
Hewlett Packard
Reinforcing the Protection of Migrant Workers- Related Issues:
- Migrant Workers
- Due Diligence Stages:
- 1. Policy,
- 3. Taking Action
- Countries:
- Multiple countries,
- United States
- Business Sectors:
If you have questions, feedback or you're looking for further help in protecting human rights, please contact us at
In 2014, Hewlett Packard (HP) became the first company in the computing and electronics industry to require the direct employment of foreign migrant workers in its supply chains. This requirement also includes upholding migrant workers’ rights in relation to the retention of passports and personal documentation and the elimination of worker-paid recruitment fees. In 2016, HP released a Supply Chain Foreign Migrant Worker Standard Guidance Document to inform suppliers of best practices following any operational changes necessary to ensure compliance with the 2014 employment standards update. Since the implementation of the migrant workers employment standards in 2014, HP has continued to monitor and uphold direct employment practices by way of co-founding the Leadership Group for Responsible Recruitment; conducting HP manufacturing, office and non-manufacturing supplier audits; and contracting a third-party Human Rights Impact Assessment.
Cellnex Telecom
Cellnex Telecom
Gender Inclusion in the Financial Industry
Related Issues:
Due Diligence Stages:
Business Sectors: