Created in partnership with the Helpdesk on Business & Human Rights

Dibella GmbH

Public-Private Partnership to Enhance OSH and Overall Sustainable Production

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After identifying issues concerning the storage of chemicals and the use of safety equipment at one of its suppliers in Pakistan, Dibella, a German SME in the textile industry, entered into a public-private partnership with the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development. The project aimed at improving occupational safety and health (OSH) conditions at the factory as well as enhancing sustainable production techniques.

Together with its project partners as well as its supplier, Dibella developed a two-year plan comprising the introduction of social and environmental standards — with a particular focus on OSH — the definition of relevant key performance indicators (KPIs) for all production stages, as well as specific objectives for the use of sustainable materials. As part of this, management processes for handling and storage of chemicals were reviewed and enhanced and training materials on OSH, among other things, were developed. Training on OSH was provided to 50 workers and 10 staff members completed “train the trainer” modules to ensure continuous implementation.

Upon completion of the project in 2019, the supplier achieved certification with OekoTex’ STeP-standard, which emphasizes safety and health protection, environmentally-friendly production processes and adequate working conditions. The improvements were also reflected in an employee survey which found that the atmosphere at the company improved significantly.

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