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Eliminating the Gender Income Gap by 2025

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Ripipsa — a manufacturing company based in Mexico — has set a target of 30% women in management positions and committed to eliminating the income gap by gender at all organizational levels by 2025. Currently, 17% of management positions are held by women and the ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men is 0.78. Ripipsa employs the WEPs framework as a structured roadmap to define and accomplish specific targets towards gender equality. The company has established inclusive policies such as maternity leave and nursing, co-responsible paternity and flexible schedules. It has also participated in external initiatives that promote gender equality and combat violence against women. To track and measure progress, the company has adopted indicators aligned with global standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative.

  • Cellnex Telecom

    Cellnex Telecom

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