Created in partnership with the Helpdesk on Business & Human Rights


Advancing Gender Balance by Taking Action on Women’s Career Development
  • Business Sectors:
  • ICT

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Capgemini, an IT services company, has set a 2021 target on advancing gender balance within their 265,000+ workforce. In efforts to advance their goal, the company has launched the Women in Tech India (WiTI) initiative to help women progress in their career development. The programme makes the promotion process more transparent, distributes meaningful assignments equitably and encourages more female employees to pursue a career in the technology space.

The company also holds “Culture Brain and Bias” sessions to acknowledge and address bias. In 2019, over 500 participants, both men and women, engaged in these workshops with interactive exercises on everyday workplace situations. Participants explored how beliefs can affect inclusivity, with the objective of acknowledging and addressing bias. The impact of these practices includes improved engagement at the team and sub-unit levels, reduced stress-related absenteeism, boosted social well-being at work and a higher morale.

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    Grassroots diversity for a more equal future

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