Created in partnership with the Helpdesk on Business & Human Rights

SanLucar Group

Risk assessment guided by the UNGPs

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The SanLucar Group is a multinational company that operates in the agricultural sector and focuses on the production, import, export and marketing of premium quality fruit and vegetables from more than 35 countries, both from its own production and from suppliers. SanLucar is aware of the need to understand and mitigate its human rights and environmental risks throughout its value chain.

Agriculture is a sector in which working conditions and environmental impacts are increasingly being scrutinized. In order to comply with human rights at a global level, it is necessary to be aware of actual and potential risks, and thus to implement a system of preventive, mitigating and corrective measures, as well as to promote positive impacts.

The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights have been an important guide in the development of the SanLucar risk assessment methodology, which includes the following steps:

  1. Identification of actual and potential risks throughout the entire supply chain through the CSR Risk Check, provided by the German Helpdesk on Business & Human Rights in cooperation with the CSR network UPJ. SanLucar also uses its own experience, audit results and research on the agricultural sector.
  2. Definition of the risk analysis approach: The analysis is carried out at country level and categorizes the risks into fair business practices, human rights and ethics, labour rights, and environment.
  3. Determination of the parameters to assess and calculate the value of the risk. The parameters are the following: probability, level of impact, adjustment factors.
  4. Risk assessment is done through individual interviews with persons responsible for different areas and countries within the company, including the assessment of direct impacts on stakeholders.
  5. Preparation of action plans
  6. Integration into corporate processes

In order to achieve the objectives, SanLucar has divided the work plan into six phases, with a total duration of two years, and is currently in the risk assessment phase.

During the initial risk assessment interviews, to the company identified risks of discrimination against women and certain ethnic groups, risks of accidents due to inadequate use of protective equipment, poor waste management, water consumption water scarcity.



The case studies do not make any assessment of whether the measures presented meet the requirements of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). The aim is rather to demonstrate the feasibility of human rights due diligence management and to offer companies suggestions for their own implementation.

The inclusion of company examples is intended strictly for learning purposes and does not constitute an endorsement of the individual companies. Unless otherwise indicated, the content is not intended to reflect the official positions, views or opinions of the United Nations or the German Government.

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