Created in partnership with the Helpdesk on Business & Human Rights

Anglo American

Integrating Indigenous Rights into Company Management Systems

Anglo American — a multinational mining company — integrates indigenous peoples’ rights into its ‘Anglo American Social Way’, formerly known as the Socio-Economic Assessment Toolbox (SEAT). Since its inception in 2003, the Social Way aims to mitigate and manage social impacts, while maximizing community development opportunities. This programme was the first of its kind in the mining industry. The indigenous peoples’ rights component of Anglo American’s Social Way is aligned with the IFC Performance Standard 7 (PS7), which aims to minimize adverse business impacts on indigenous populations while promoting positive development. The Social Way also aligns with PS1 and PS8, which focus on due diligence and cultural heritage in relation to indigenous populations. Beyond required reporting and due diligence, Anglo American also delivers technical training on impact and management specific to indigenous communities.