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Establishing a Diversity Committee to Tackle Discrimination against Minorities

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In 2003, the German chemical company BASF established a Diversity Committee to address the overall underrepresentation of women and Black employees in its operations in Brazil, particularly in management positions. The Committee itself seeks to represent Brazil’s diversity, thus its members include women and Black employees. One of the Committee’s first actions was to review and modify recruitment and selection procedures, devising communication measures to encourage awareness and hold events such as workshops for management staff and community initiatives that address diversity. This programme placed BASF among the few global companies operating in Brazil at the time, which proactively tackled issues of discrimination against women, Black employees and other minorities.

For BASF’s operations in Brazil, the company sets out to promote equity throughout its recruitment and employee management processes and to develop affirmative actions that guarantee the representation of and generate opportunities for historically discriminated groups within their supply chain. Globally, BASF has committed itself to a goal of promoting a balanced gender ratio with a target of 30% of women in leadership positions worldwide by 2030.

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