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Anglo American Platinum

Using Leading Indicators to Proactively Monitor Safety and Health Risks in Mining

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Anglo American Platinum is the world’s largest primary producer of platinum, based in South Africa. Aiming to reduce the number of fatalities in its mines, Anglo American Platinum implemented a range of measures to address the problem. This includes a “Zero Harm” policy implemented across all operations, as well as safety and health management systems.

Specifically, Anglo American Platinum implements systems to identify risks and the causes of incidents, and designs controls to prevent those incidents from recurring. All safety-related incidents are reported, investigated and analyzed for trends and/or anomalies. Anglo American Platinum believes that leading indicators are a proactive means of improving safety. The following leading indicators are reported on a monthly basis:

  • Formal safety engagements with employees in the workplace
  • Close-out of all safety actions
  • Risk management training
  • Maintenance delivered to programme
  • High-potential incident reporting and investigation
  • Safety competence/training
  • Improving the quality of risk management

As a result of these measures, Anglo American Platinum’s injury rate per million hours worked improved by 4% in 2020.

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